Training courses Boertien Vergouwen Overduin

Unfortunately, due to low attendance, we have not scheduled new English soft skill courses. If you are interested in attending any soft skill courses please let us know at and we will make sure to find a suitable solution together.
Below is a list of one-day training courses (lasting from 09:30 to 16:30) provided by training institute Boertien Vergouwen Overduin (BVO). Trainees can register for these courses by sending an email to
After confirmation of registration, you will receive an invitation from BVO to attend the course roughly one week in advance. For each course, you will need to prepare by reading some material or completing an assignment. Please bear this in mind and set some time aside for this. This should take no more than 1.5 hours on average.
First year
Excellent communication skills are an essential part of your work. Knowing the right communication techniques will bring you many benefits. That's why good listening skills are so important. Listening carefully will ensure that your conversation partner feels engaged and help avoid any misunderstandings. Want to learn more about effective communication skills? Do you want to professionalise your conversational skills? If so, this hands-on training course is the right choice for you.
We will be exploring topics such as listening, summarising and asking follow-up questions, nonverbal communication and levels of communication. You will take a DISC test in preparation for the training course. The resulting report offers insight into your DISC type/personality profile. You will analyse the results during the training course and gain concrete insights that help you attune your communications to your conversation partners more effectively.
Your outcome:
- More insight into your personality thanks to DISC
- You have gained concrete insights that allow you to improve your communications, e.g. by applying meta-communication or shifting to a different level
- You can keep your conversations structured and on track, and are an active listener.
The training course will be conducted with the help of a training actor.
Recently joined a new organisation? If so, it will be crucial to present yourself effectively and professionally. This will boost your self-confidence and reassure your new colleagues about your abilities. Are you unsure about how you come across or feel uncomfortable meeting new people? If so, this is the training course for you.
You will gain insight into the way you come across and work to improve your presentation. The trainer will give you tips to help you present yourself more effectively and project more self-confidence. You will practise these skills during the course so that you immediately notice the results. You will also learn effective techniques to help you improve your networking skills and make the most of your existing network.
Your outcome:
- You know how to make a good first impression
- You are more aware of the impression you make on others, and have more insight into yourcommunication and presentation style
- You understand the power of networking and have the tools you need to apply this in your own organisation
Tip: make sure this is the first (or one of the first) training courses you do! You'll get off to a flying start at your new job.
The training course will be conducted with the help of a training actor.
Do you have a hard time asserting and clearly expressing your views or needs in certain situations? Do you struggle to say no, even in situations where you really can't do something? Do you ever wait too long to ask for help? After completing this training course, you will find it easier to express your thoughts and feelings, especially in situations where others want something that doesn't match your needs.
This intensive assertiveness training will teach you to stand up for yourself. You will learn to communicate more assertively, both verbally and non-verbally. Among other skills, you will also learn to be proactive and ask for help when necessary.
Your outcome:
- You are able to set boundaries in a professional manner
- You know how to make a more assertive impression and be more proactive
- You have learned how to transform limiting beliefs into effective thoughts
Want to quickly improve your time management skills? This training course will help you work more effectively and use your time more efficiently. This can be a challenge if you are involved in multiple projects and teams. Under those circumstances, it's crucial to consider to spend your time most effectively and communicate when you'll be doing certain tasks, what you will need from others to make this happen, etc.
You will gain insight into time-wasters and learn to set priorities. We will offer you the practical tools you need to figure out which tasks are taking up the most time and help you achieve peace of mind by maintaining a clear overview of the situation. Clearly defining your tasks and goals, making clear choices and planning effectively will allow you to make better use of your time and take control of your schedule.
Your outcome:
- You know how to set priorities
- You know how to use your time as efficiently as possible
- You are more aware of your focus and have the tools you need to manage priorities more effectively.
Do you want to learn about storytelling? Want to find out how to turn your message into a compelling story? If so, this is the training course for you. You will discover the basics of storytelling and learn how to translate your message into a compelling story. These techniques will ensure that your message gets across more effectively and sticks in the mind of your target audience.
Learn how to use storytelling to really get through to your audience, both at work and in your private life. A compelling story can help you thread together seemingly dry facts, enabling you to reach people's hearts and minds and make your message far more memorable.
Your outcome:
- You know why storytelling is a powerful means of getting your message across
- You know how to convey your message in the form of a story
- You can effectively and impactfully convey your story during a presentation
Emotional intelligence could be defined as the ability to leverage your emotions in order to achieve your goals. Our Emotional Intelligence, also referred to as Emotional Quotient (EQ), can be developed and enhanced. Want to find out how?
You will be developing your self-knowledge, empathy and communication skills during the training course. You will learn about emotional intelligence and find out how to apply the principles of EQ at work. This will help you to enhance your self-knowledge and empathy, which will have a positive effect on your team-working performance.
Your outcome:
- You have insight into your own emotional intelligence
- A greater capacity for empathy will help you to collaborate more effectively
- You are better equipped to handle your own emotions and those of others
Second year
When you work closely with others on a daily basis, you sometimes want to get them board with your proposals. How can you use your behaviour to influence others? How do you do this without damaging relationships? How much influence do you have and where do you draw the line? This training course will answer all of these questions and more!
Organisations are made up of various people with different personalities and behavioural styles. This training course will give you insight into your own personality, behaviour and communication style as well as those of others, allowing you to bring about a better and more successful state of cooperation. We also zoom in on the use of influencing strategies to convince others of the merits of your ideas. Among other sources, this training course will incorporate Leary’s rose theory, which teaches you how you can make conscious use of your own behaviour to influence the behaviour of people around you.
Your outcome:
- You will gain insight into your own contribution to partnerships and tools to improve cooperation
- You will gain insight into your own and other peoples' communication styles and learn to adjust your style to suit others
- You will acquire specific tools to help you influence others. The training course will be taught with the help of a training actor.
Project-based work is about achieving the desired goals within the specified time frame and available budget. The main objective is to achieve excellent project results. In order to maximise results, it is vital that projects are run smoothly and predictably. However, this is easier said than done. If you are looking to boost your project-based work skills, this is the training course for you.
This course will teach you more about planning and organising projects. You will boost your knowledge and skills in the area of project-based work, reinforce your personal qualities to ensure an optimal contribution to the project and learn to interact effectively with project team members, managers and clients to ensure you all achieve maximum results.
Learning objectives:
- You will boost your knowledge and skills in the area of project-based work
- You will learn how to paint a clear picture of the assignment and gain insight into various project roles and responsibilities
- You will perform and operate more efficiently and effectively on your projects.
Providing effective advice requires a combination of knowledge and persuasion. If you possess this knowledge and you want to give advice that people listen to, this training course will give you greater control over the advisory process as a whole. You will gain insight into which advisory role suits you and the situation best. We will also examine how you can gather support for your recommendations and teach you how to deal with resistance, so you will come across as reliable and competent. Upon completing this course, you will be better able to maintain control over all kinds of advisory scenarios.
The course will be highly practice-oriented. You will be taught brief snippets of theory, which you then apply immediately by completing practice-oriented exercises.
Your outcome:
- You will gain insight into the steps involved in the advisory process and learn to take control
- You will become aware of the advisory role that you easily and naturally assume and will be able to deploy the various roles effectively
- You will learn how to gather support for your recommendations and convert resistance into support.
If you are struggling with office politics within your organisation, are unsure of how much influence you have (if any) and frequently experience nepotism, this training course will teach you to understand the politics at play and to determine for yourself how you will participate. You will gain insight into how power and politics work and will practice skills such as influencing and persuasion. An exciting game will let you to put your new insights into practice. This will help you develop a knack for office politics and give you greater control over the decision-making process.
Your outcome:
- You will gain insight into how office politics works within your organisation
- You will learn how to perform a straightforward force field and stakeholder analysis to gain insight into the political playing field within your organisation
- You will master a variety of influencing styles and learn to use them effectively.
Who is your customer? Are they an external customer or an internal customer/stakeholder? How do you operate in a customer-focused manner? And can you be too customer-focused? In this training course, we will examine customer-focused behaviour. What does customer-focused behaviour look like? And what skills does it require?
During this course, we will practise with different types of customer and 'difficult' customer behaviour, which will help you develop a customer-focused approach. You will learn how to be genuinely interested in and attentive to the customers' needs and how to help them as best as you can. This will ensure satisfied customers.
Your outcome:
- You will gain insight into the concept of customer focus and the various types of customer that you may encounter in your work.
- You will be able to use customer-focused communication skills in your discussions
- You will practice and learn how to deal with tricky customer scenarios. The training course will be taught with the help of a training actor.
Customer relation management and negotiations often involve substantial interests. If you are regularly involved in negotiation scenarios and you want to learn to negotiate more successfully with greater selfconfidence, this training course is for you.
During this meeting, you will gain greater insight into the topic of negotiation and learn to unite a variety of interests in order to create win-win situations. You will also gain greater insight into your negotiation style and learn how to prepare for negotiations effectively. The course has a strong practical focus, as you will frequently practice with negotiation techniques.
Your outcome:
- You will understand the different negotiation styles and techniques and learn which of these suit you best
- You will understand various interests and know how to unite them
- You will have greater self-confidence and protect your interests in a flexible and persuasive manner.
Are you looking for an original solution or strategy? Do you want to tackle practical problems in an innovative way? Every problem has multiple solutions, although they are not always visible to all.
During this inspirational training course, you will learn to recognise and use creative solutions through a variety of methods. You will gain tools that will help you develop an enterprising core attitude. On this course, you will learn to think and make decisions creatively, allowing you to approach and solve problems from an original perspective.
Your outcome:
- You will develop a creative core attitude
- You will use creative solutions in order to achieve your goals
- You will be able to use your creativity in the workplace
Training schedule
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